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About UCGo!

About UCGo!


The UCGo! Startup License is a pathway for licensing University
intellectual property that speeds up the timeframe and minimizes the cost to launch UChicago startups. This program aligns with the University’s commitment to enrich society, helping to expedite the translation of ground-breaking research and technologies to the marketplace.

The program provides an optional, standardized, non-negotiable license agreement between the University and a startup founded by a University researcher that is seeking to commercialize University technology.

The UCGo! Startup License program:

  • Is an optional, licensing program available to UChicago startup companies that qualify
  • Offers the same, favorable terms to all
  • Has non-negotiable terms, reducing time and cost to license intellectual property
  • May require participation in educational programming from the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, or other on and off-campus resources

The UCGo! Startup License program is managed by the Polsky Science and Technology team at the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It is part of a UChicago innovation initiative that aims to advance entrepreneurship at the University, encourage collaboration across campus, and attract investors interested in UChicago-based startups.

Program Eligibility & Application Information
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