Give to the Polsky Center

Your gift to the Polsky Center helps pave the way for groundbreaking ideas to impact society. With your help, the Polsky Center will advance the knowledge and practice of entrepreneurship and accelerate the commercialization of research. To make a contribution, please visit our online giving page.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Additionally, we invite you to become involved with any of our capstone programs and events as a sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities include:

If you are interested in becoming an individual or corporate sponsor for any of these programs, please contact Erika Mercer.

#PolskyProud to have supported


For any questions regarding how to support the Polsky Center or any one of our specific programs or events, please contact Dan Sachs.

Thank You!

The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation would like to thank our donors, sponsors, and host companies for their support of our many programs and activities throughout the year. Without their support, these programs would not be possible.

24 Startups Accepted into the 2023 Alumni New Venture Challenge

The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is pleased to announce the 24 startups accepted into the 2023 Alumni New Venture Challenge (ANVC), a global competition dedicated to supporting…

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