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From Idea To Impact
About Us

From Idea To Impact

The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is bridging the gap between knowledge and practice, idea and action, and research and impact through education, partnerships, and new venture creation.

#1 university accelerator in the U.S.

Launched in 1996, the NVC is recognized as a top-ranked accelerator program in the nation and has graduated more than 160 start-up companies still in operation today that have gone on to raise more than $575 million in funding and achieve $4 billion in exit value.

#PolskyProud to have supported

Private Equity And Venture Capital
Experiential Learning

Private Equity And Venture Capital

The Polsky Center develops partnerships and licenses with companies and business leaders to create mutually beneficial relationships that enable more ideas to reach the market and have a beneficial impact on society.


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Our Approach

Innovation Pathway

Streamline and simplify support for innovators through every stage.

Phase 1: Invent

Things that happen in Phase 1.

Phase 1


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Phase 2: Validate

Things that happen in Phase 2.

Phase 2


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Phase 3: Pursue

Develop the concept & MVP. Establish the business, refine, and iterate. Build at workshops and get mentored. This is what happens during the pursue phase of the pathway.

Phase 3


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Phase 4: Validate

Things that happen in Phase 4.

Phase 4


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Mindful Urgent Care and Verity Technologies advance to the GNVC Finals

On January 20, MBA teams from Chicago competed at the semi-finals of the 2018 Global New Venture Challenge (GNVC). Waverly Deutsch, academic director for university-wide entrepreneurship content and professor for…

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