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Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC)

Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC)

Application & Eligibility


  • The application cycle for the 2025 VCIC Competition is closed.
  • Please contact Juliet Twomey, assistant director at the Polsky Center, at Juliet.Twomey@chicagobooth.edu with questions.

Eligibility and Team Size:

VCIC is open to current Chicago Booth students in the MBA Full-Time and Part-Time programs, EMBA program, Master in Management program, and Master in Finance program. Students from other universities are not eligible to participate. Please direct any questions about eligibility to Juliet Twomey in the Polsky Center.

For Chicago Booth’s VCIC, teams must have between five and six members. For regionals and nationals, teams can have up to six members. While students may compete in the Chicago Booth VCIC multiple times, students may only compete in a regional VCIC once.

If you’re looking to join a team or to add people to your team, please check out our team-building spreadsheet.

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