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Polsky Science and Technology Associates

Polsky Science and Technology Associates

Polsky Science and Technology Associates Program

The Polsky Science and Technology (PST) team is launching the Polsky Science and Technology Associates Program as an opportunity for current University of Chicago graduate students to work with the Technology Development, Market Intelligence and Innovation Growth, and Business Development teams at the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Participants will work closely with the PST team to position University research for potential commercial partnerships.

Polsky Science and Technology Associates will participate in many aspects of the technology commercialization process, with a focus on screening new invention disclosures for potential intellectual property (IP) protection, and analyzing the commercial landscape. Working with the PST team provides valuable technology management experience from scientific, legal, and business perspectives along with exposure to some of University of Chicago’s newest and most exciting technologies.

This position will support PST managers in the IP assessment, marketing, and licensing of University of Chicago technologies. This may include conducting patentability review of new technologies, identifying potential industry partners, and developing marketing materials.

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