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Fall 2024 Collaboratorium Brings Together Science and Business Expertise

Connecting researchers with business expertise, the Fall 2024 Collaboratorium will feature teams participating in the Polsky I-Corps program in addition to startups from the Duality and Resurgence accelerators.

>> Register for the Collaboratorium: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 |5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

The Collaboratorium provides the opportunity for scientists and researchers who want to explore commercialization opportunities to showcase their work and network with students and alumni who may be interested in connecting to pursue further academic study, market research, a business partnership, or participation in experiential programming.

// Teams and researchers presenting at the Fall 2024 Collaboratorium:

  • Alarmin Labs // Developing novel drugs to inhibit the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases
  • Parasol // Catheter-based system to deliver a gel-based matrix hardened by UV light to fill and completely occlude a patient’s left atrial appendage
  • Astir Therapeutics // Unraveling the complex processes in disease dynamics with AI and omics
  • BarQu // Quantum identifiers and sensors (Q-IDs) that simultaneously track and monitor hundreds of thousands to millions of individual cells using persistent fluorophores as quantum barcodes and sensors
  • AlleyKat // Open operation devices that can mitigate smoke from all smoke-generating devices in the operating room
  • Lazarus Therapeutics // Developing a platform using polymersomes to encapsulate and deliver therapeutic agents, such as stapled peptides and small molecules, directly into cancer cells
  • PANCS // Cheaper and faster method of generating protein binders than current methods, which will contribute to the basis of a robust drug-discovery platform
  • Po-Chun Hsu // Nanofluid-enhanced laser lithotripsy for kidney stone disease
  • QubitConnect // Enabling large-scale quantum computers with an interconnection capability
  • TrustVector // A SaaS solution focused on near real-time system behavior monitoring, aimed at detecting changes in certified AI solutions
  • VoltInsight // Integrating computed tomography (CT) imaging data with electrochemical data using advanced machine learning models, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

 // Deep Tech Ventures accelerator participants:

  • AGC Carbon // An early-stage startup focusing on CO2 to soda ash conversion technology for point source Carbon Capture with cogeneration of Grid Energy Storage
  • Air Energy // Transforming transportation with Solid-State Lithium-Air Batteries
  • Artificial Brain // Specializing in the development of advanced optimization solutions for defense, aerospace, and energy
  • Inertial // Using turbomachinery for carbon capture at fossil fuel-fired power plants
  • Materium Technologies // Material science startup developing novel nanocomposite materials, assisted by machine-learning techniques
  • Photon Queue // Designing and building quantum memory devices and developing control systems to ensure automated high-performance operation for long duration without human interaction
  • Tanda BioTech // Scalable, cost-efficient, and eco-friendly biomanufacturing tools to accelerate large-scale bioproduction

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