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Innovations in Quantum: Researchers and Technologies at the University of Chicago

University of Chicago researchers are advancing innovations in every discipline – leading the development of cutting-edge technologies and conducting field-defining research for the betterment of humankind.

For this feature, we’ve compiled nine researchers to know and 18 novel technologies available for licensing in quantum.


Among the University of Chicago researchers highlighted are:

  • David Awschalom, who also is a senior scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, founding director of the Chicago Quantum Exchange, and inaugural Director of Q-NEXT, one of the US DOE Quantum Information Science Research Centers.
  • Fred Chong, cofounder of Super.tech, which was acquired by Infleqtion in May 2022, also is the lead principal investigator for EPiQC, an NSF Expedition in Computing.
  • Supratik Guha, who pioneered the materials research that led to IBM’s high dielectric constant metal gate transistor, one of the most significant developments in silicon microelectronics technology.

The Polsky Center also is home to Duality, the first accelerator program in the US exclusively focused on supporting early-stage quantum companies.

// The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation manages the University of Chicago’s technology portfolio.

We can help you find new technologies to add to your product development pipeline and will work closely with you through the diligence and licensing process.

Contact Mike Hinton, Technology Marketing Manager, at mhinton@uchicago.edu.

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