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Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC)

Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC)


The Chicago Booth Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC) is a VC simulation that allows students to think and act as venture capitalists and helps the school identify top student representatives for regional and national intercollegiate competitions. The University of Chicago participates in both the undergraduate VCIC (uVCIC) and MBA-level VCIC, the world’s largest venture capital competition with over 70 universities competing.

Since 2005, Chicago Booth has participated in the VCIC under the leadership of faculty coordinator Scott Meadow and with the support of the Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital (EVC) group at Chicago Booth and the Polsky Center. Winners from this competition head to the regional bracket with a chance of competing at the national and global finals.

UChicago undergraduate students can participate in the uVCIC, which is organized by UChicago Careers in Entrepreneurship. For more information on the program, contact Brittany Wisniewski.

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