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Waverly Deutsch

Waverly Deutsch

Academic Director for University-wide Entrepreneurship Content

Waverly coaches the NVC and runs the Global NVC. In her role as academic director of University-wide entrepreneurship content, she works with the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation to ensure that both for-credit classes on entrepreneurship and extracurricular content like conferences, workshops, and online materials meet the needs of all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Chicago with an interest in entrepreneurship. She created Chicago Booth’s award winning course, Building the New Venture that received the US Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship’s Innovative Teaching Pedagogy award in 2005. Waverly serves as an advisor to OCA Ventures, a leading venture capital organization in Chicago. She is also on the board of Smart Bet Charities, which raises money for organizations that promote entrepreneurship education for young Chicagoans. She is an active adviser to many startups in the Chicago area including NVC former participants Markit Medical, Ascent Technologies, Appiness, Stylisted, TAINA and AMOpportunities. Formerly, as a managing director of NetFuel Ventures, she helped launch three tech companies before the firm merged with ARCH Development Partners. Prior to moving to Chicago, Waverly spent seven years with Cambridge, MA-based Forrester Research, helping it grow from a 20-person boutique to a publicly-held market leader with 450 employees. Waverly holds a BS from the University of Pittsburgh and a PhD from Tufts University.

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