Gita Sjahrir, AB ’04
Cofounder and CEO, RFitness
Gita is the cofounder and CEO of RFitness, Indonesia’s largest online and offline boutique fitness brand. She started her journey into wellness when she was diagnosed with Still’s disease, an autoimmune condition that affected her joints and lungs.
She began a fitness community in 2015 after wanting an inclusive, equitable, and non-judgmental space. In 2017 it became the first boutique fitness company in Southeast Asia to ever raise venture capital funding. Now R-Fitness is in 5 locations, the Rfitness app is available online, and it runs live online yoga, HIIT, cycling, and meditation classes daily for B2B and B2C.
Before R-Fitness, Gita has been in the startup space for 11 years, and has previously held positions in finance and business development. She is a graduate of the Wharton School (MBA) and the University of Chicago (BA).