Cathryn R. Nagler
Co-Founder and President, ClostraBio, Inc.; Bunning Food Allergy Professor, Professor of Pathology, Medicine, and Pediatrics, University of Chicago
Cathryn R. Nagler is the Bunning Food Allergy Professor and Professor of Pathology, Medicine, Pediatrics and the College at the University of Chicago, and the co-Founder and president, of ClostraBio, Inc. Dr. Nagler has a long-standing interest in the mechanisms governing tolerance to dietary antigens and the potential immunomodulatory features of the oral route of antigen administration. Her most recent work examines how commensal bacteria regulate susceptibility to allergic responses to food. She has applied insights gained from studying pre-clinical gnotobiotic murine models of cow’s milk allergy to launch a new company, ClostraBio, which is developing microbiome-modulating therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of food allergy. Dr. Nagler obtained her PhD from the Sackler Institute of Biomedical Science at NYU School of Medicine and did a postdoctoral fellowship at MIT She was Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Immunology) at Harvard Medical School prior to joining the University of Chicago in 2009.