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SBDC Round Table Talk – National Small Business Week

This roundtable is for small business owners and entrepreneurs to have an interacting and engaging discussion focused on sharing experiences, insights, and best practices for business growth and success. To provide a realistic view of the characteristics required to becoming an entrepreneur, risk involved, understanding timing and resources available to support new and growing ventures. Panelists include new business owners who will share their insight into challenges facing new businesses. The goal is to create a supportive and collaborative environment where participants can learn from each other’s experiences and gain valuable insights to apply to their own businesses. This event is sponsored by the Illinois Small Business Development Center at Polsky Exchange University of Chicago.

The theme of this year’s National Small Business Week is “Building on America’s Small Business Boom,” and our roundtable discussion is designed to complement this theme by providing small business owners and entrepreneurs with a platform to share experiences, insights, and best practices for business growth and success.

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