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Entrepreneurship Essentials (E2): Customer Success for Startups

This workshop will provide entrepreneurs real time strategies on how to successfully engage with your customers. The following topics will be covered: Why is having a customer service strategy important? What are best practices to ensure your customers receive excellent customer service?

About the speaker:

Carema Consulting’s Brian Hall helps early- and growth-stage recurring revenue companies grow faster by providing them with Customer Success solutions and strategies that increase revenue from current customers. He has spent more than 30 years serving as a leader of early-stage and high-growth B2B software companies – including InstallShield, Microsystems and UrbanBound – with a particular focus on customer success organizations. In founding Carema Consulting, Brian strives to help founders navigate around the inevitable pitfalls encountered in building and leading customer facing teams at software companies, from seed stage through Series C.

Brian holds a BA in Economics and an MBA both from Northwestern University.

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