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Application Deadline: Entrepreneurship for Science and Medicine

Graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, researchers, and faculty conducting scientific research and study at UChicago, Argonne, Fermilab, and Marine Biological Laboratory are encouraged to apply for Entrepreneurship for Science and Medicine.

This non-credit course provides an introduction to the field of entrepreneurship – familiarizing participants with common topics and frameworks and introducing them to entrepreneurs and investors. The course is focused on entrepreneurship in scientific fields and how scientists can play a role in the commercialization of their research and inventions.

This class will provide exposure to the fundamental skills and thought processes needed to think about the start of a business or becoming part of a startup. These include:
  • What it means to be an entrepreneur
  • How to map out an entrepreneurial business
  • Understanding of IP /exclusivity strategies, technology transfer operations at the University of Chicago, led by the Polsky Center’s technology, commercialization, and licensing team
  • Why a scientist can be a great entrepreneur
  • How to communicate with key entrepreneurial stakeholders
  • Leadership strategies for entrepreneurial teams
  • Create a thought process for an alternative career pathway

* Application deadline extended to October 14 *

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