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The Polsky Center is self-sustaining and relies heavily on alumni and friends to support its efforts. To make a contribution, please visit our online giving page.


Sponsor Opportunities

Sponsor Opportunities

Additionally, we invite you to become involved with any of our capstone programs and events as a sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities include:

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Gift Designations

For any questions regarding how to support the Polsky Center or any one of our specific programs or events, please contact Starr Marcello.

Thank You!

The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation would like to thank our donors, sponsors, and host companies for their support of our many programs and activities throughout the year. Without their support, these programs would not be possible.

UChicago Expert Develops ‘Personal Trainer for Your Sleep’

Director of the University of Chicago Sleep Center, Esra Tasali is an expert in sleep medicine and researcher who first-hand has seen the need to change the one-size-fits-all approach to…

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